Enterprise Architect 7 (kompilacja 817)

Enterprise Architect Z dużą regularnością firma Sparx Systems wydaje nowe wersje programu Enterprise Architect. Tym razem kompilacja oznaczona numerem 817 zawiera wiele zmian, między innymi (skrócona lista zmian w jęz. ang.):

  • Modified auto-checkout of shared keys to provide warning when no keys can be obtained and to retain auto-checkout list when keys are not available.
  • Improved model load time for models with many packages.
  • Improved Auditing SQL construction.
  • Rendering of Pan & Zoom window immediately after diagram is loaded.
  • Performance of message-operation updates.
  • Models opening searches in output window on startup.
  • Encode tagged value enumerations to allow for embedded commas.
  • Make „Add Model Using Wizard” command available in task pane.
  • Display of RefGUIDList tagged values.

Zmiany interfejsu użytkownika i diagramów

  • Added option (Tools/Options/Objects) to automatically scale up all viewed diagrams by a personal scaling factor (between 10% and 50 %).
  • Moving of embedded elements when resizing swimlane matrix.
  • Copying a timing diagram also copies messages.
  • Changing association end objects on communication diagrams also updates children messages.
  • Added „States” edit button to timing diagram 'State Lifeline’ elements.
  • Improved hit-test behavior when dropping stereotyped element from toolbox over another object.
  • Hide „Insert Related Elements” command for elements that don’t appear in project tree.
  • Add timeline element and saving persists default state.
  • Updating position of elements on diagrams when changing diagram matrix row height.
  • Disable „Show element type (Port and Part only)” option for all other element types.
  • Hide context menu commands that don’t work for labels with shape scripts.
  • Allow saving of existing diagram changes before synchronizing profiled elements.
  • Usability of Swimlanes Matrix dialog.


  • Table of contents in generated HTML documentation.
  • Rendering of notes in RTF reports.

Kontrola wersji

  • Improved „Get Package” command, to handle Subversion users having restricted access to SVN repositories.
  • Improved processing of localized output from Subversion – connection now independent of locale.

Modelowanie baz danych

  • Database type set on tables imported from SQL Server 2005 databases.
  • Prevent occasional truncation of view definitions when doing ODBC import from various database types.
  • Allow self-connectors for foreign keys to show each distinct label.
  • Allow removal of primary key constraint from a column being used to reference another table.
  • Allow tagged values used for DDL Generation of properties for Oracle tables to contain the keywords to be generated.
  • Propagation of column changes to the keys they are used in.
  • Added option to select DB2 Windows or other DB2 versions for reverse engineering database schema.
  • Added support for creating unique constraints in „Foreign Key Constraint” window.
  • Allow MS Access long and long integer foreign key columns to reference counter columns.


  • XSD Generation of model groups containing other elements.
  • Logging of port creation during WSDL import.
  • Round trip of non-compliant state operation return types in XMI 2.1.
  • Round trip of connector line styles in XMI 2.1.
  • Round trip of properties of non-UML elements in XMI 2.1.
  • Exporting Operation Parameter direction and Operation Concurrencies as specified in UML Superstructure to XMI 2.1.
  • Added ability to import tagged-value notes > 4000 chars into Oracle from XMI.

Reinżynieria kodu

  • Importing of Actionscript XML expressions.
  • Synchronization of enumerations into existing classes and C source files.
  • Handling of code and transform templates generating many levels deep.

Pozostałe zmiany

  • Improve drawing of logos in MDG Technologies dialog.
  • Improved Java Debugger selection of class loader for debug class.

Dla zarejestrowanych użytkowników EA:
Enterprise Architect 7.0 build 817

Dla zainteresowanych Enterprise Architect:
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