Dostępna jest kolejna kompilacja programu Enterprise Architect 7 oznaczona liczbą 816. Bezpłatna dla wszystkich użytkowników w ciągu roku od daty zakupu.
Zmian w programie jest dużo, najczęściej poprawiających funkcjonalność i wydajność. Oto skrócona lista zmian (w jęz. angielskim):
- Added undo for Insert Related Elements command.
- Added support for association-end tagged values and stereotypes in UML section of XMI 2.1.
- Added DBMS dropdown to database view and stored procedure dialog.
- Added support for border styles other than solid for ellipse and rounded rectangle boundaries.
- Updated font scaling algorithm to: improve diagram appearance at all zoom levels and prevent inadvertent label wrapping at extreme zoom levels.
Podstawowe ulepszenia
- Removed namespace path in naming of reference classes in generated sequence diagrams.
- Initial positioning of self message labels.
- Importing documentation from an xml schema header and elements having inline complexType definitions.
- Generation of multiplicity to xml schema elements.
- Merge of tagged values when applying a UML Pattern.
- Import of large notes and tagged values from XMI 1.1.
- XMI 2.1 export of operation behavior.
- XMI 1.0 export of package tagged-values.
- Handling of decimal symbol across all regional settings.
- Importing and synchronizing table constraint columns.
- Importing unique indexes and foreign keys from Sybase ASE.
- Preventing creation of users with duplicate UserLogins or user groups with duplicate Group Names.
- Generation of multi-line notes to RTF documentation.
- Inclusion of sequence numbers into RTF documentation.
- Rendering of objects from diagrams showing diagram details to images.
- Prevent users from deleting last model base root node in a model.
- Importing Informix database objects.
- Corrected reverse engineering of synonyms for Oracle tables.
- Corrected reverse engineering of primary and foreign keys from PostgreSQL.
- Generation of connector constraints to RTF documentation.
- Generation of RTF documentation under Crossover Office.
- Improved XMI 2.1 export of packages containing various behavior diagrams.
- Pasting of Unicode characters into RTF editor.
Inne zmiany
- Allow merge of typed elements during pattern export.
- Warn users that Auditing will lock out Professional and Desktop editions
- Removing Field Protection from generated RTF documentation to allow later editing.
- Corrected auditing of security group locks.
- Allow automatic layout of Use Case diagrams.
- Improved usability of editing search filters.
Do pobrania Enterprise Architect 7.0 build 815:
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